What are the symptoms and causes of inguinal hernia?

Symptoms of inguinal hernia Most people can tell what an inguinal hernia is by looking [...]

How is gallbladder stone surgery done?

Depending on the type of surgery, there are different ways for hernias to heal. For [...]

What is the recovery process after umbilical hernia surgery?

Fıtık ameliyatları seçildiği tipe göre farklı süreçlerde iyileşmektedir. Örneğin açık tip ameliyatlar daha uzun sürede [...]

What are the symptoms of gallstones?

The gallbladder is an organ in our bodies that helps us digest food. This organ [...]

What causes gallstones?

The gallbladder is an organ that sits on the upper right side of the abdomen. [...]

How is Umbilical Hernia Treated?

Göbek fıtığı annenin bebeğini doğurmasının ardından, bebekteki anneyle bebeğin arasındaki kan akışını sağlayan...

What is a gallbladder stone?

The gall organ is in the lower part of the liver, which is in the [...]

What are the differences between open inguinal hernia surgery and closed inguinal hernia surgery?

There are three different kinds of inguinal hernias, each of which is caused by a [...]

What are the symptoms of umbilical hernia?

Göbek fıtığı özellikle hamilelerde, aşırı kilo almaya bağlı olarak görülen, göbek çukurunda veya çevresinde fındık [...]

What causes umbilical hernia?

Bir fındık büyüklüğünden, portakal büyüklüğüne kadar çıkabilen göbek fıtıkları, göbek çukurunun içerisinde ya da çevresindeki [...]

Does having surgery for an inguinal hernia change sexual life?

Hernias in the abdominal wall and in the groin can make it hard for both [...]

What are the symptoms of inguinal hernia in men?

Inguinal hernia is the worst thing that can happen to a man. What should I [...]

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