What is Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids happen when the veins around the breech swell up. The swelling that looks like a breast on the patient’s hand is called a hematoma. There are two kinds of hemorrhoids: those that are inside the body and those that are outside the body. It does not hurt most of the time. Most of the time, bumps that you can feel are painful and may bleed. Most of the time, the lumps are soft and may sometimes go away. But if the blood that has built up in the enlarged vein clots inside the vein, this is an emergency that needs surgery right away. In contrast to what most people say about hemorrhoids, this condition is very painful, makes the person feel like they need to go to the bathroom all the time, and makes the swelling very hard. We call this picture “hemorrhoids with blood clots.”

How Is Hemorrhoid Diagnosed?

Most of the time, a thorough rectal exam is used to figure out if someone has hemorrhoids. But because bleeding with hemorrhoidal complaints and swelling in the breech area can also be signs of some serious diseases, a colonoscopy should be done to check the other sides of the large intestine and clarify the diagnosis before making a diagnosis for almost every patient.

What Are the Symptoms of Hemorrhoids?

  • Rectal swelling (anus)
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Feeling of fullness in the rectum after toilet
  • Chronic constipation
  • Pain in the rectum
  • Itching in the rectum
  • Rectal discharge and feeling of wetness

What Causes Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoid disease happens when the vein structure, which is already very dense in the breech area, gets bigger. Even though this is the main cause, everything that causes it makes it a disease called hemorrhoids.

  • Chronic constipation or diarrhea
  • Sedentary lifestyle and wrong eating habits
  • Those who work sitting for long periods of time
  • In women, especially during or after pregnancy
  • Tumors that cause mass formation in the abdomen
  • People who carry heavy burdens chronically
  • People with wrong toilet habits

How to Treat Hemorrhoids?

Medication for Hemorrhoids Treatment

Depending on the stage of hemorrhoid disease, dietary and lifestyle changes can be made in the early stages and antihemorrhoid drugs can be used in the later stages.

Hemorrhoid Treatment with Laser

No matter what stage it is, it is a type of treatment that is done with a laser without putting the person to sleep, and the whole thing takes less than 5 minutes. After about 3–4 hours, the patient can go home and does not need to stay in the hospital.

Hemorrhoid Surgery

Surgical treatments are the most common right now, but as technology improves and new methods are created, they will become less common over time. It is better for people with more severe hemorrhoids. The surgeon cuts out the swollen hemorrhoidal pouch. Most of the time, the patient stays in the hospital for only one day.

Advantages of Hemorrhoid Treatment with Laser

  • Does not need general anesthesia.
  • After the procedure, there is no need to stay in the hospital.
  • It does not hurt at all.
  • No jobs will be lost because you can go back to work the next day.
  • After surgery, risks like gas incontinence, fecal incontinence, and abscess are almost never seen.