What is an Umbilical Hernia?

Umbilical hernia is a type of hernia that usually shows up as a lump in or around the belly button. Women are more likely to have it. As with an inguinal hernia, this is when the organs in the abdomen push outward because the muscles in this area are weak. Most often, women notice it when they are pregnant. Most of the time, it goes away on its own when the pregnancy is over, but it can also be permanent.

How is the Diagnosis of Umbilical Hernia?

The doctor can make the most accurate diagnosis of an umbilical hernia by doing a thorough hernia exam. But in some cases where it is hard to tell the difference, extra tests like ultrasound, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging can be used.

What are the Symptoms of Umbilical Hernia?

  • Having a bloated stomach
  • Having pain in the stomach
  • Indigestion and stomach pain
  • When you walk for a long time, lift heavy things, cough, or have a hard time going to the bathroom, you may feel pain in your abdomen and around your belly button.
  • Changes in how you pass gas and poop.
  • In strangulated or strangulated hernias, the area around the belly button swells up, turns red, gets hotter, and the person can not go to the bathroom. If these symptoms are present, the person may need surgery right away. Right away, a hospital or doctor for follow-up care should be called.”

What Causes an Umbilical Hernia?

Even though our belly button looks nice, it is actually a defect that we were born with. It is the remnant of the umbilical cord that connects the baby to the mother while it is still in the womb. This is a weak spot that the baby was born with. In fact, this area closes up after the baby’s belly falls, but there are still some things that can cause a hernia to happen in this weak spot.

  • Most women get it after giving birth.
  • Genetic predisposition (those with a family history of hernia)
  • Getting heavy work done or lifting heavy things
  • Being overweight makes the wall of the abdomen weaker and makes it easier for an umbilical hernia to form.
  • Having long-term lung problems (COPD, Asthma) Since people with these diseases have trouble breathing, an increase in intra-abdominal pressure makes it easier for them to get a hernia. Those who have problems with their bowels on a regular basis or have trouble urinating because of prostate problems (Constipation and prostate enlargement)
  • Structural or collagen connective tissue disorders ( Collagen connective tissue diseases)
  • Weaknesses in the groin area from surgeries done in the past.

How Is Umbilical Hernia Treated?

Umbilical hernia can not be fixed with medicine, and it does not go away on its own. Surgery is the only way to fix an umbilical hernia. There are two types of surgical methods.

  • Open Umbilical Hernia Surgery
  • Laparoscopic ( Closed ) Umbilical Hernia Surgery

How is Umbilical Hernia Surgery Performed?

Open Umbilical Hernia Surgery

Depending on the size of the hernia, an incision is made through the belly button to release the hernia sac and send it back into the abdomen. A patch is used to help this weak hernia area. The surgery is no longer going on. Most of the time, open surgery is best for small and early-stage umbilical hernias.

Closed ( Laparoscopic ) Umbilical Hernia Surgery

Most of the time, this method is best for people who have an umbilical hernia that has grown out of the belly button. Since the hole is very big, fixing it with the closed method will often mean making a smaller cut and making it easier to close the big hole. Especially in these patients, special patches can be used to close large holes in the skin more safely.

What is an Umbilical Hernia?

What is a hernia at the belly button? It is the answer to your question in a general way. It is a type of disease that is common among heavy workers and needs surgery to treat. At first, the person may not know they have an umbilical hernia. But as time goes on, the swelling gets worse, the pain gets worse, and the belly button sticks out. The rest of our article has all the information you need about abdominal hernia.

Umbilical Hernia Symptoms

Even though umbilical hernia can happen to adults, it happens more often in babies. Most hernias that happen when a child is young heal on their own without needing surgery. But babies are also sometimes operated on, even though it is very rare. Adults do not get it very often. Umbilical hernias usually happen during pregnancy or after surgery on the abdomen, no matter what the reason. Umbilical hernia causes a 5 cm swelling around the belly button, a deformed belly button, pain and a burning feeling when coughing or straining, severe pain, tenderness in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and blood in the stool.

How is Umbilical Hernia Surgery Performed?

If an umbilical hernia gets stuck and stops blood flow to the intestines, it should be fixed with surgery. If the surgery is not done, it could lead to problems that could kill the patient. So, how does surgery to fix an umbilical hernia work? Most people who complain about an umbilical hernia look up information about it on the internet, and many of them keep putting off getting treatment because they do not want to have surgery. But if the umbilical hernia gets too big, it could put the patient’s life in danger and lower the quality of their life. Because of this, if your hernia is in its last stage, you should definitely have surgery. The patient needs to be checked to see if he/she can get general anesthesia for the operation. Closed umbilical hernia surgery will make a lot of sense for people who can get general anesthesia. If the patient is overweight, has diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease, he/she can still have surgery for an umbilical hernia as long as the doctor says so. The surgery is done with new double patches that are 10 cm long. The main thing that needs to be true for these patches to work is that the hernia can not be suffocating. Depending on what the doctor thinks is best, laparoscopic or open surgeries are done, and the patient goes back to his old life quickly.

Umbilical Hernia Symptoms in Babies

You do not want your baby, on whom you have been waiting for months with a longing to see his face, to get even the slightest illness. But some babies have to deal with an umbilical hernia from the moment they are born. So, what do babies with an umbilical hernia look like? It should not be hard for you to figure out that your baby has a hernia. Umbilical hernia symptoms include a soft bump around the belly button that moves when touched and gets bigger when the baby cries or coughs. In general, a baby’s abdominal hernia heals on its own until he/she is 2 years old. However, there are some cases where the hernia does not heal after the age of 2. In these situations, surgery must be done right away.

What Happens After Umbilical Hernia? What Happened Afterwards

Unfortunately, when we get sick, we realize how important our health is. But sometimes we get diseases we did not expect for reasons we can not control. When the disease happens to babies when they are young, it can be hard, especially during pregnancy. Because it is dangerous for pregnant women to use drugs, the treatment process is long. Umbilical hernia is a problem that a lot of people have to deal with. After surgery fixes the problem, they can get back to their normal lives quickly. So, what happens after someone has an umbilical hernia? It would be helpful to say more about this subject. First of all, it should be said that the disease does not happen more or less. People are said to have their souls where they are when they are sick. This phrase is quite true. For instance, even the smallest headache can sometimes make our lives worse. When you find out you have a serious condition like an umbilical hernia, you should do whatever is needed to treat it. The doctor will say that surgery is the best way to treat the problem. You can choose to accept or not. But this is the thing to remember. Early treatment and diagnosis save lives.

If you work at a desk for a living, you can go back to work one week after an open surgery and three days after a closed surgery. If your job requires you to drive all the time, you can go back to work 15 days after an open surgery and 5 days after a closed surgery. If you have a physically demanding job, you can go back to work after 12 weeks if you had an open surgery and after 6 weeks if you had a closed surgery. After surgery, you should pay attention to what your doctor says and do what he/she tells you to do to keep the hernia from coming back.

Curious About Umbilical Hernia

How Long Does Umbilical Hernia Surgery Take?

Many people think that the word “surgery” sounds very cold. However, surgery is the most effective way to treat some diseases. Before performing umbilical hernia surgery, the doctor should know for sure if the patient is ready for it and if the patient’s other health problems will affect the surgery. Also, the size of the hernia in the abdomen is important here. Even though the hernia may seem small, it has very bad effects on the patient if it is not treated. So, how long does surgery for a hernia in the belly button take? Here is what is most important about the surgery. By giving the patient general anesthesia, this process can take anywhere from half an hour to an hour and a half, on average. This will depend on the size of the hernia and the type of patch that will be used.

What are the Risks of Umbilical Hernia Surgery?

Some diseases can only be cured through surgery. The same is true for a hernia in the belly button. It is true that adults do not heal from abdominal hernias on their own, but babies do. If it took a long time to figure out what was wrong and diagnose it, let alone get better, the situation is even worse. What are the risks of surgery for a hernia in the belly button? If you are asking, it is likely that you are the only one with this problem or that someone close to you will need surgery for an abdominal hernia. With general anesthesia, the risk may go up a little bit. First, the anesthesiologist needs to give the patient the right amount of anesthesia. If the patient has had too much anesthesia, he/she will not be able to wake up, which puts his life in danger. Also, complications that could happen during the operation show that the patient will be at risk for things that could kill them. There are also times when this surgery does not work. Surgery and repeated hernias are two of the most important signs of this.

How Long Does It Take to Heal After Umbilical Hernia?

You were diagnosed with an umbilical hernia, decided to have surgery, and as a result, you had surgery. After an umbilical hernia surgery goes well, the first thing you will want to know is how long it will take to heal. Yes, it will. Even though the answer to this question varies from person to person, the average time it takes to heal is between one week and 12 weeks. After a few days, the person who had surgery can do his or her own things and move around the house without much trouble. But he/she would be better off if he/she had a little more patience so he/she could get back to work.

What Those Who Have Umbilical Hernia Surgery Should Not Do

If you think you have an umbilical hernia, you should see a doctor right away. Even if the doctor says you should have surgery, you should think about this right away and start the treatment process. After having surgery for an umbilical hernia, you should pay attention to the list of things you should not do that your doctor made for you. In this list, dressings should not be ignored so that the patient does not do heavy lifting, does not work out, does not have any problems at the operation site, and does not get an infection. During the time you are healing from surgery, you should be very patient and take the painkillers your doctor tells you to take.

Does Umbilical Hernia Cause Swelling in the Tummy?

Every sickness we get has signs and symptoms. After these symptoms, tests, and physical exams, a doctor can figure out what is wrong. When a patient is diagnosed early, it is seen as a very good thing. Same thing happens with an umbilical hernia. It is very important to catch problems early. Taking a look at yourself is one of the best ways to find out if you have an umbilical hernia. Examining yourself is exactly what it says. This could be what you are saying right now. “Why do I need a doctor if I can find out what is wrong with me by looking?” This is what inspection is not. Look closely at yourself. If you know what the signs of an umbilical hernia are, it will not be hard to figure out. Does an umbilical hernia make the stomach swell? Yes, it makes the stomach swell up. This is one of the main signs that an umbilical hernia is coming.

Does Umbilical Hernia Cause Constipation?

Another thing about umbilical hernias that makes people wonder is if they cause constipation. In fact, it would be more accurate to say that strain causes an umbilical hernia in people who have trouble going to the bathroom all the time. If a person is always constipated and can not figure out why or how to fix it, knowing that they might have an umbilical hernia can be helpful.

Sex Life After Umbilical Hernia

When a person has an umbilical hernia, he/she is dealing with a lot of problems. This issue has a big impact on work, daily life, family life, and sexual life. Many put their sexual lives on hold after having an umbilical hernia. Because making strong movements causes the hernia to be completely squeezed, which can put the patient’s life at risk. So, if you do not want your quality of life to go down and your family life and sexual life to be put on hold, you should go to the doctor right away and do everything you need to do to recover from surgery.

Umbilical Hernia Processes in Pregnant Women

When a woman is pregnant, she is very sensitive in every way. Some women worry about getting sick, while others worry about being left alone or unloved. The time when a woman is pregnant has the most effect on her mind. Umbilical hernia is the worst thing that can happen to people who are especially afraid of getting hurt. One thing you should know about the process of an umbilical hernia in pregnant women is the following. No matter what, surgery will not be done while the woman is pregnant. Because of this, it is likely that the baby will be born, since having surgery while pregnant is dangerous. If the hernia keeps getting worse after birth, it is best to have an operation right away by a specialist doctor. If you don’t, you might not even be able to hold your baby, which you have been looking forward to for months.

Does Umbilical Hernia Recur?

We all worry about getting sick again if we have already had a certain illness. Because, as the name suggests, the disease is a very bad thing, and because of the disease, the person’s whole life goes wrong. Does the umbilical hernia come back? is one of the biggest worries of people who have had an umbilical hernia. First of all, the chance of the cancer coming back is lower if the surgery is done by a good specialist, the surgery is successful, and early diagnosis and treatment are used. But even though this risk is low, it is known that umbilical hernia will come back because of it.

Umbilical Hernia Surgery Price

When we have a disease that needs surgery, it is hard to decide whether or not to have it. If a person does not feel financially and spiritually ready, it is almost impossible for them to have surgery. But in some diseases, surgery is a must and not just a choice. One of these is surgery for an umbilical hernia. First, as a patient, you have to decide whether you want surgery at a public hospital or a private hospital. If you have private health insurance or additional health insurance, it makes more sense to go to private hospitals. But you can have your surgery at a state hospital if a very famous and successful doctor works there. So, how much does surgery to fix a hernia in the belly button cost? To get this information, we suggest that you call our Specialist Doctor Ahmet Bekin at +90 505 917 12 10 to make an appointment request and get the information you need.